ブルゴーニュ・エピヌイユ アヴィタ 赤 2022年 アラン・マティアス

ブルゴーニュ・エピヌイユ アヴィタ 赤 2022年 アラン・マティアス

ブルゴーニュ・エピヌイユ アヴィタ 赤 2022年 アラン・マティアス

ブルゴーニュ・エピヌイユ アヴィタ 赤 2022年 アラン・マティアス

Using  ¥3,320  / 3 installments



*Earliest delivery date is 2/20(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥50,000 will be free.

  • クール便


    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Hokkaido


    • Tohoku












    • Kanto
      Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama,
      Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi


    • Shinetsu
      Niigata, Nagano


    • Hokuriku
      Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui


    • Tokai
      Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie


    • Kinki
      Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo,
      Nara, Wakayama


    • Chugoku
      Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi


    • Shikoku
      Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi


    • Kyushu
      Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto,
      Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima


    • Okinawa


*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥50,000 will be free.

This shop sells alcoholic beverages. Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

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Age verification

When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

This shop sells alcoholic beverages.
Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

This shop sells alcoholic beverages
Thank you for your cooperation in confirming your age

Please enter your age

I am years old

This item cannot be sold to those under the age of 20

I would like to be notified of restocking

Notice of restocking has been accepted.

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If you cannot find the mail, please check your spam folder.
When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

赤ワイン ピノ・ノワール100%

「AVITA(アヴィタ)」はラテン語で「先祖の手法、様式」という意味。「Terre Cuite(テール キュイット)」と呼ばれる950℃で焼き上げられた900Lの大きな壺で醸造しており、樽香を与えずにワインと酸素を接触させるのが狙いです。葡萄は「Côte de Grisey(コート ド グリゼイ)」の区画に植えられているピノノワールを使用。除梗した葡萄を2/3、全房葡萄を1/3の割合で壺に入れて醸造しています。熟した赤い果実の香り、しなやかな舌触りながらも力強い果実味、スパイシーな酸味と引き締まりのあるタンニン、2022年らしい骨格のしっかりとしたエネルギッシュな味わいになっています。




▼ワインセラー マツキヤ【ご注文ガイド】




【例】名入れ希望 池田(いけだ)




Reviews of this shop

I would like to be notified of restocking

Age verification

When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

This shop sells alcoholic beverages.
Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

This shop sells alcoholic beverages
Thank you for your cooperation in confirming your age

Please enter your age

I am years old

This item cannot be sold to those under the age of 20

I would like to be notified of restocking

Notice of restocking has been accepted.

We've sent an e-mail to you.
If you cannot find the mail, please check your spam folder.
When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail