アルボワ ベランジェ・トルソー 赤 2022年 ペリカン

アルボワ ベランジェ・トルソー 赤 2022年 ペリカン

アルボワ ベランジェ・トルソー 赤 2022年 ペリカン

アルボワ ベランジェ・トルソー 赤 2022年 ペリカン

Using  ¥5,320  / 3 installments



*Earliest delivery date is 2/13(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥50,000 will be free.

  • クール便


    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Hokkaido


    • Tohoku












    • Kanto
      Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama,
      Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi


    • Shinetsu
      Niigata, Nagano


    • Hokuriku
      Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui


    • Tokai
      Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie


    • Kinki
      Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo,
      Nara, Wakayama


    • Chugoku
      Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi


    • Shikoku
      Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi


    • Kyushu
      Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto,
      Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima


    • Okinawa


*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥50,000 will be free.

This shop sells alcoholic beverages. Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

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Age verification

When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

This shop sells alcoholic beverages.
Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

This shop sells alcoholic beverages
Thank you for your cooperation in confirming your age

Please enter your age

I am years old

This item cannot be sold to those under the age of 20

I would like to be notified of restocking

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If you cannot find the mail, please check your spam folder.
When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

赤ワイン(フランス・ジュラ地方) トルソー100%

アルボワの教皇と言われた「Jacques Puffeney(ジャック ピュフネイ)」がこの「Les Béranger(レ ベランジェ)」の区画の葡萄で造っていたトルソー種100%のワインのおかげで、世界中のトルソー愛好家にアルボワの名が知られるようになりました。そして2017年にこの畑はDomaine du Pélicanに委ねられ、2018年からトルソー種100%のキュヴェを造ることとなりました。畑は「Montigny-les-Arsures(モンティニー レ ザルスール)」村に区画があり、「Pupillin(ピュピラン)」という村がプルサール種の主要産地であるようにこの村もトルソー種の主要産地になっています。南~南西向きの畑で葡萄の樹齢は50年以上、標高は330~340mで土壌は沖積土と泥土に覆われた灰色泥灰土で地中には所々に石が埋まっているので排水も良く、特にトルソー種に向いた土壌構成になっています。除梗100%で醗酵は開放型の木桶やステンレスタンクで櫂入れはせずに液循環のみで約2週間行い、熟成は228Lと350Lの旧樽で行います。赤い果実の甘い香り、スパイシーでパワフルな果実味とエレガントで長く残る余韻、ボリューム感溢れる味わいで熟成のキャパシティを最も感じさせるキュヴェとなっています。(輸入元資料より)




▼ワインセラー マツキヤ【ご注文ガイド】




【例】名入れ希望 池田(いけだ)




Reviews of this shop

I would like to be notified of restocking

Age verification

When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail

This shop sells alcoholic beverages.
Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

This shop sells alcoholic beverages
Thank you for your cooperation in confirming your age

Please enter your age

I am years old

This item cannot be sold to those under the age of 20

I would like to be notified of restocking

Notice of restocking has been accepted.

We've sent an e-mail to you.
If you cannot find the mail, please check your spam folder.
When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「gmail.com」so that you can receive our e-mail